Anyone setup myred with PLESK

It's not difficult to install myLounge Redirection, but sometimes it's quite tricky. Post your questions in here.

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Anyone setup myred with PLESK

Postby bill g » Tue Sep 16, 2003 6:46 pm

I'm pretty sure I have the dns wildcarding setup correctly, as the redirection - redirects, But it redirects to a default page Not in my path.

By reviewing the error
log I've found out that the required files are not being found properly, and the Redirection is to the Servers Root, not in my domains root.

Has anyone modified myred script or mysql to work with PLESK?

Example: If you setup the site using the paths would be:

Bill G - this is the correct Home Page default - this is NOT the correct redirection, but somewhere on the root server.
bill g

Postby Guest » Mon Sep 22, 2003 11:04 am

I got the same problem....don't anybody know this?

me too

Postby jack » Mon Sep 22, 2003 11:19 am

same problem here
i set my own sever but don't have DNS server
and my domain name point to my server's IP
is why it can't work ???

Postby » Fri Oct 03, 2003 8:56 am

That seems not to be a script Problem.

Please check if Plesk is making the * in the httpd.conf from this virtual site.
If not, you have to make it with ssh by yourself.
Without this ServerAlias * your Apache webserver doesn't know what he has to show when a client is coming to a subdomain.

hope you understand my english. smile
german would be easyer for me.


Postby Nuzz » Mon Oct 13, 2003 1:21 pm

To be sure, contact your web host and see if you have wildcards. I had to e-mail mine and they set up it for me right then

Postby Bill G. » Wed Oct 15, 2003 8:51 pm

Thanks, your post got me on the right track. I asked the admin for help and here is the reply.

You create a vhost.conf file with the apache directive and place it in the conf directory. This will allow you to make specific changes

It is my understanding that all I need is to create a file named:


and in it have the text:


Question: Is there anything else that needs to be added?

Bill G.
Bill G.

Hi Bill - do you know for sure...

Postby Mark R » Tue Apr 06, 2004 7:46 pm

Hi Bill,

Do you know for sure what is in the vhost.conf file you mention. I tried what you said but nothing changes for me. I still cannot add additional domains to myLounge redirect.

The script only works with the domain I have installed it on.
I have plesk 5 and have many domains that I am not using that I would like to add to myLounge redirect but I cannot get any of them working.

If anyone can help me with some step by step directions I would really appreciate it.

Mark R

Postby Guest » Fri Apr 16, 2004 5:57 am

The apache directive you need to add is

ServerAlias *

after adding it, it will not take effect until Apache restarts, so you'll have to ask your webhost to restart the webserver (not reboot the hardware, just tell Apache to restart, reload config files)

Hope this helps


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