Theme with frames?

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Theme with frames?

Postby Esko » Thu Jul 24, 2003 1:21 pm


I've got a small problem and would be very happy if someone could help me with a small "hack" of the code. The problem is that I'm using frames with the login page at one frame. When you are logged in I want the member pages to be in the parent frame, and that's no problem. I'm just changing the target of the login submit button to the parent frame. And the problem is...

If you type wrong password or adress you got will got a error message of that. But the error message comes in the parent frame with. The result is that i got 2 frames with login pages. I wonder if someone could help with a small hack of the code so if you type wrong password or wrong adress when logging in, the error comes in the same window. And if you are succesfully logged in you will be sent to the parent frame. Thanks in

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