I have a small problem concerning mylounge, can anyone help me out?
Basically, i have installed it all correctly and subdomains can be registered absolutely fine...
But, i had to edit .htaccess so that index.php was read before index.htm... Now, whenever i try and go to my 'main' URL, (www.amberlight.net) or (amberlight.net) i just get a blank page that just keeps loading in the bar for ages and then eventually stops loading at a blank page!
What i presume is happening is that the script is seeing the request for www.amberlight.net and forwarding it to amberlight.net which then just fowards it again, and again, etc... I think its stuck in a loop!
I tried just creating a subdomain using the script that redirects www.amberlight.net to amberlight.net/files/ but this seems just to give me the same problem...
Any suggestions on how i can keep the script and still have my site accessible via www.amberlight.net?
Thanks In Advance, Matt