The old url not valid problem

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The old url not valid problem

Postby wozie » Mon Jul 31, 2006 11:39 am

Hi All,
I have installed the script (mySQL v5 version), iv had a few problems with the install, I had to install it twice for it to work, something went wrong the first time... anyways...

Its all in and working, my redirect seems ok.
The website URL is:
a test domian is: points me to the home.php page as it should do.
I am unable to register a domain name to test to see if works properly because of the blasted "url not valid" problem.

I have searched the forum and it seems that the problem goes away, thats not the case for me, it hasnt gone away, yet, I have tried removing the text strings from register.php as directed by one post, still the same.

Wondered if there were any other ideas out there to fix this,

Many thanks,
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Postby Scooby » Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:40 pm

Have you optimized the database?

What went wrong on the first install ? did you forget to make the database first ?

Check the banned words etc make sure theres nothing there that could stop it.
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Postby Scooby » Mon Jul 31, 2006 12:46 pm

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Postby wozie » Tue Aug 01, 2006 1:38 am


Hey Scooby, I am not 100% sure what you mean by optimize your DB? I have logged into the admin area of this and deleted the members (none found, not been able to register a domain yet lol) so I guess thats the DB optimized haha.

So that hasnt worked, also quoted out the "metatags" and "forbiddenstatus" words from register.php and this has done nothing, go see at

Any more ideas welcome, im even offering to pay someone to create a permanent fix for this (not just remove the error completely ;-) ).
Many thanks everyone,
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Joined: Sun Jul 30, 2006 9:36 am

Postby Scooby » Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:08 am

It shows up twice in register.php and once in members.php did you remove it 3 times?
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Postby wozie » Wed Aug 02, 2006 5:18 am


Thanks for your help Scooby, I have changed a few things, and hope th post is easy to read for people with the same problem.

I have made register.php to be like this now:

Code: Select all
#### Name of this file: register.php
#### Does all the register stuff - from checking availibility to writing into the database and sending mails


// first check what do do
$do = $_GET["do"];

// If no "do" is specified, go to the main page of this script
if (!$do) {
   $do = "main";
#### The activation part - check code against database                              ####

if ($do == 'activate') {
$domainname = $_GET["domainname"];
$code = $_GET["code"];
// check, if activation code and hostname match
mysql_query("UPDATE $redir_table SET active='on' WHERE host='$domainname' AND acticode='$code'");
if(mysql_affected_rows() != 1) {
   $outputmsg = "$text_75";
else {
   $outputmsg = "$text_76";
// Print out the template
$text_74 = "$text_74 $domainname";
$template = new MyredTemplate("html/$theme/activate.html");
$template->assign("text_1", $text_1);
$template->assign("text_2", $text_2);
$template->assign("text_3", $text_3);
$template->assign("text_4", $text_4);
$template->assign("text_5", $text_5);
$template->assign("text_6", $text_6);
$template->assign("text_7", $text_7);
$template->assign("text_8", $text_8);
$template->assign("text_9", $text_9);
$template->assign("text_10", $text_10);
$template->assign("text_11", $text_11);
$template->assign("text_12", $text_12);
$template->assign("text_74", $text_74);
$template->assign("outputmsg", $outputmsg);
$template->assign("startpage", $startpage);
$template->assign("title", $pagetitle);
$template->myred_print() or die($template->error);

####  Check, if the domain name fullfills all needs ####
if ($do == 'check') {
$domainname = $_POST["domainname"];   
$domainname = strtolower($domainname);
$outputmsg = check_domain($domainname);

// If checkdomain gives something back, we have an error and go to the main register site showing the error
   if ($outputmsg) {
      $do = "main";

// Check, if domain name is already taken
// Only do so, when the checks before go ok. So, if $outputmsg is empty, we can check the available domains
   else {
   $tld_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $domain_table ORDER BY domain ASC");
   $outputmsg = $text_16;
   while ($tlds = mysql_fetch_array($tld_query)) {   
      $checkname = "$domainname.$tlds[0]";
      $checkdom=mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("select * from $redir_table where host='$checkname'"));
      if($checkdom!="0") {
         $outputmsg.="www.$checkname $text_21 [<a href=\"whois.php?do=check&domainname=$checkname\">$text_7</a>]<br><br>";
      else {
         $outputmsg.="<a href=\"register.php?do=register2&domainname=$domainname&ext=$tlds[0]\"><b>www.$checkname</b></a> $text_22  <a href=\"register.php?do=register2&domainname=$domainname&ext=$tlds[0]\">$text_23</a><br><br>";
      $do ="main";

#### Now, let's do the last check                                                ####

if ($do == 'register4') {
// Check again - just for security - the last time.
// I know, that the code gets big, but it's more readable I think.
$domainname = $_GET["domainname"];
$ext = $_GET["ext"];
$domainname = strtolower($domainname);

// If checkdomain gives something back, we have an error and go to the main register site showing the error
$outputmsg = check_domain($domainname);

// And again - check for availibility. Also check the Extension. Someone could try to give a fake url for registering one domain twice.
$outputmsg = check_domain2($domainname, $ext);

// If check_domain or check_domain2 give something back, we have an error and go to the main register site showing the error
// Should I write that he's a bloody bastard? ;-)
if ($outputmsg) {
   $do = "main";
// Seems, as if the user didn't try to hack the scripts the easy way, so let's go on checking if he manipultes the <hidden> fields
else {
$fname = $_POST["fname"];
$lname = $_POST["lname"];
$email = $_POST["email"];
$targeturl = $_POST["targeturl"];

if(!$fname || strlen($fname) > 25) {
   $error1 = "$text_37";
if(!$lname || strlen($name) > 25) {
   $error2 = "$text_38";
if(!$email || !verify_email($email) || strlen($email) > 100) {
   $error3 = "$text_39";
$forbiddenstatus = check_forbidden($targeturl);
if($forbiddenstatus == 1) {
   $error4 = "$text_216";

// If any error occured --> send user back and show him what he did wrong
   if ($error1 || $error2 || $error3 || $error4) {
      $do = "register2";
// Else continue with registration
   else {
// Check the last formfields he filled in
$targettitle = $_POST["targettitle"];
$category = $_POST["category"];
$targetrobot = $_POST["targetrobot"];
$targetrevisit = $_POST["targetrevisit"];
$targetdescription = $_POST["targetdescription"];
$targetkeywords = $_POST["targetkeywords"];
$terms = $_POST["terms"];
if(!$targettitle || strlen($targettitle) > 100) {
   $error11 = "$text_56";
if(!$category) {
   $error12 = "$text_57";
if($terms!="on") {
   $error13 = "$text_58";
// If any error occured --> send user back and show him what he did wrong
   if ($error11 || $error12 || $error13) {
      $do = "register3";
   else {
// Take everything and write it into the database
// Generate a random password
   $password = randomstring(12);
   $encr_password = md5($password);
// Generate a random activation code
   srand ((double)microtime()*1000000);
   $activationcode = rand(1000, 9999);
   $date = time();
   $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR");
// add slashes to prevent from destroying the database - is this necessary? don't know...
$lname = addslashes($lname);
$fname = addslashes($fname);
$email = addslashes($email);
$targeturl = addslashes($targeturl);
$targettitle = addslashes($targettitle);
$targetdescription = addslashes($targetdescription);
$targetkeywords = addslashes($targetkeywords);
$targetrobot = addslashes($targetrobot);
$targetrevisit = addslashes($targetrevisit);
$category = addslashes($category);
$date = time();

   mysql_query("INSERT INTO $redir_table (host, name, vname, passwd, email, url, title, descr, keyw, counter, robots, news, revisit, time, ip, cat, lasttime, stats, mail, adtype, acticode, active) VALUES ('$domainname.$ext', '$lname', '$fname', '$encr_password', '$email', '$targeturl', '$targettitle', '$targetdescription', '$targetkeywords', '0', '$targetrobot', 'on', '$targetrevisit', '$date', '$ip','$category','$date', 'off', 'off', 'on', '$activationcode', 'off')") or die (mysql_error());

// What to do now? If Admin has set "autoapprove" to on, we send an email to the new user containing his domain name, password, activation code and instructions
$lname = stripslashes($lname);
$fname = stripslashes($fname);
$password = stripslashes($password);
$email = stripslashes($email);
$targeturl = stripslashes($targeturl);
   if($autoappr == "on") {
   $message = "$text_61 $domainname.$ext\n$text_62 $password\n\n$text_59$domainname.$ext&code=$activationcode$text_59a";
   mail($email,$text_60,$message,"From: $adminmail\nReply-To: $adminmail");
// Also send a mail to the admin if mailtoadmin is set to "on"
   if ($mailtoadmin == "on") {
   $message = "$text_66 $domainname.$ext\n$text_67 $fname $lname\n$text_68 $email\n$text_69 $ip\n$text_70 $targeturl";
   mail($adminmail,$text_65,$message,"From: $adminmail\nReply-To: $adminmail");
   $outputmsg = "$text_64";
// If autoapprove is set to "off", send user an email telling him, that account has to be checked by admin.
   else {
   $message = "$text_61 $domainname.$ext\n$text_62 $password\n\n$text_71";
   mail($email,$text_60,$message,"From: $adminmail\nReply-To: $adminmail");
// Also send a mail to the admin if mailtoadmin is set to "on"
   if ($mailtoadmin == "on") {
   $message = "$text_66 $domainname.$ext\n$text_67 $fname $lname\n$text_68 $email\n$text_69 $ip\n$text_70 $targeturl$text_72";
   mail($adminmail,$text_65,$message,"From: $adminmail\nReply-To: $adminmail");
   $outputmsg = "$text_73";
// Print out the template
$text_33 = "$text_33 $domainname.$ext";
$template = new MyredTemplate("html/$theme/register4.html");
$template->assign("text_1", $text_1);
$template->assign("text_2", $text_2);
$template->assign("text_3", $text_3);
$template->assign("text_4", $text_4);
$template->assign("text_5", $text_5);
$template->assign("text_6", $text_6);
$template->assign("text_7", $text_7);
$template->assign("text_8", $text_8);
$template->assign("text_9", $text_9);
$template->assign("text_10", $text_10);
$template->assign("text_11", $text_11);
$template->assign("text_12", $text_12);
$template->assign("text_33", $text_33);
$template->assign("text_63", $text_63);
$template->assign("outputmsg", $outputmsg);
$template->assign("startpage", $startpage);
$template->assign("title", $pagetitle);
$template->myred_print() or die($template->error);

#### Now, let's check the personal data and target url                   ####

if ($do == 'register3') {
// Check again - just for security
$domainname = $_GET["domainname"];
$ext = $_GET["ext"];
$domainname = strtolower($domainname);

// If checkdomain gives something back, we have an error and go to the main register site showing the error
$outputmsg = check_domain($domainname);

// And again - check for availibility. Also check the Extension. Someone could try to give a fake url for registering one domain twice.
$outputmsg = check_domain2($domainname, $ext);

// If check_domain or check_domain2 give something back, we have an error and go to the main register site showing the error
if ($outputmsg) {
   $do = "main";
// Seems, as if the user didn't try to hack the scripts, so let's go on checking what he filled into the form
else {
$fname = $_POST["fname"];
$lname = $_POST["lname"];
$email = $_POST["email"];
$targeturl = $_POST["targeturl"];

if(!$fname || strlen($fname) > 25) {
   $error1 = "$text_37";
if(!$lname || strlen($name) > 25) {
   $error2 = "$text_38";
if(!$email || !verify_email($email) || strlen($email) > 100) {
   $error3 = "$text_39";
if($multiple == "off") {
   if(mysql_num_rows(mysql_query("SELECT * from $redir_table WHERE email='$email'")) > 0) {
      $error3 = "$text_77";

// If any error occured --> send user back and show him what he did wrong
   if ($error1 || $error2 || $error3 || $error4) {
      $do = "register2";
// Else continue with registration
   else {
// list of categories
$cat_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $category_table ORDER BY category ASC");
while ($cats = mysql_fetch_array($cat_query)) {
   $cats[0] = stripslashes($cats[0]);
   $categories .= "<option>$cats[0]</option>";
if(!$targettitle) {
   $targettitle = $metatags[0];
if(!$targetdescription) {
   $targetdescription = $metatags[1];
if(!$targetkeywords) {
   $targetkeywords = $metatags[2];
$targetrevisit = $metatags[3];
if (!$targetrevisit) {
   $targetrevisit = "10 days";
$text_33 = "$text_33 $domainname.$ext";
$template = new MyredTemplate("html/$theme/register3.html");
$template->assign("text_1", $text_1);
$template->assign("text_2", $text_2);
$template->assign("text_3", $text_3);
$template->assign("text_4", $text_4);
$template->assign("text_5", $text_5);
$template->assign("text_6", $text_6);
$template->assign("text_7", $text_7);
$template->assign("text_8", $text_8);
$template->assign("text_9", $text_9);
$template->assign("text_10", $text_10);
$template->assign("text_11", $text_11);
$template->assign("text_12", $text_12);
$template->assign("text_33", $text_33);
$template->assign("text_35", $text_35);
$template->assign("text_41", $text_41);
$template->assign("text_42", $text_42);
$template->assign("text_43", $text_43);
$template->assign("text_45", $text_45);
$template->assign("text_44", $text_44);
$template->assign("text_46", $text_46);
$template->assign("text_47", $text_47);
$template->assign("text_48", $text_48);
$template->assign("text_49", $text_49);
$template->assign("text_50", $text_50);
$template->assign("text_51", $text_51);
$template->assign("text_52", $text_52);
$template->assign("text_53", $text_53);
$template->assign("text_54", $text_54);
$template->assign("text_55", $text_55);
$template->assign("error11", $error11);
$template->assign("error12", $error12);
$template->assign("error13", $error13);
$template->assign("categories", $categories);
$template->assign("domainname", $domainname);
$template->assign("targettitle", $targettitle);
$template->assign("targetdescription", $targetdescription);
$template->assign("targetkeywords", $targetkeywords);
$template->assign("targetrevisit", $targetrevisit);
$template->assign("targetrobot", $targetrobot);
$template->assign("category", $category);
$template->assign("fname", $fname);
$template->assign("lname", $lname);
$template->assign("email", $email);
$template->assign("targeturl", $targeturl);
$template->assign("ext", $ext);
$template->assign("startpage", $startpage);
$template->assign("title", $pagetitle);
$template->myred_print() or die($template->error);

#### Every check has been successful, so lets go and register the name ####

if ($do == 'register2') {
// Check again - just for security
$domainname = $_GET["domainname"];
$ext = $_GET["ext"];
$domainname = strtolower($domainname);

// If checkdomain gives something back, we have an error and go to the main register site showing the error
$outputmsg = check_domain($domainname);
// And again - check for availibility. Also check the Extension. Someone could try to give a fake url for registering one domain twice.
$outputmsg = check_domain2($domainname, $ext);

// If check_domain or check_domain2 give something back, we have an error and go to the main register site showing the error
   if ($outputmsg) {
      $do = "main";
// Else, no errors have occured, and we may continue registering. Let's start with the personal data and target url.
else {
$text_33 = "$text_33 $domainname.$ext";
$template = new MyredTemplate("html/$theme/register2.html");
$template->assign("text_1", $text_1);
$template->assign("text_2", $text_2);
$template->assign("text_3", $text_3);
$template->assign("text_4", $text_4);
$template->assign("text_5", $text_5);
$template->assign("text_6", $text_6);
$template->assign("text_7", $text_7);
$template->assign("text_8", $text_8);
$template->assign("text_9", $text_9);
$template->assign("text_10", $text_10);
$template->assign("text_11", $text_11);
$template->assign("text_12", $text_12);
$template->assign("text_25", $text_25);
$template->assign("text_26", $text_26);
$template->assign("text_27", $text_27);
$template->assign("text_28", $text_28);
$template->assign("text_29", $text_29);
$template->assign("text_30", $text_30);
$template->assign("text_31", $text_31);
$template->assign("text_32", $text_32);
$template->assign("text_33", $text_33);
$template->assign("text_34", $text_34);
$template->assign("text_35", $text_35);
$template->assign("text_36", $text_36);
$template->assign("text_42", $text_42);
$template->assign("error1", $error1);
$template->assign("error2", $error2);
$template->assign("error3", $error3);
$template->assign("error4", $error4);
$template->assign("domainname", $domainname);
$template->assign("fname", $fname);
$template->assign("lname", $lname);
$template->assign("email", $email);
$template->assign("targeturl", $targeturl);
$template->assign("ext", $ext);
$template->assign("startpage", $startpage);
$template->assign("title", $pagetitle);
$template->myred_print() or die($template->error);

#### The main screen with the check form ####
if ($do == 'main') {
$template = new MyredTemplate("html/$theme/register1.html");
$template->assign("text_1", $text_1);
$template->assign("text_2", $text_2);
$template->assign("text_3", $text_3);
$template->assign("text_4", $text_4);
$template->assign("text_5", $text_5);
$template->assign("text_6", $text_6);
$template->assign("text_7", $text_7);
$template->assign("text_8", $text_8);
$template->assign("text_9", $text_9);
$template->assign("text_10", $text_10);
$template->assign("text_11", $text_11);
$template->assign("text_12", $text_12);
$template->assign("text_13", $text_13);
$template->assign("text_14", $text_14);
$template->assign("text_15", $text_15);
$template->assign("domainname", $domainname);
$template->assign("outputmsg", $outputmsg);
$template->assign("startpage", $startpage);
$template->assign("title", $pagetitle);
$template->myred_print() or die($template->error);

Also in admin.php at line 1217, remove:
Code: Select all
$metatags = spider($targeturl);
if(!$metatags || strlen($targeturl) > 100) {
   $error5 = "$text_40";

Also in members.php at line 605 (ish), remove:
Code: Select all
$metatags = spider($targeturl);
if(!$metatags) {
   $error10 = "$text_40";

I think that is everywhere now, if not, im sure you kind of know what your looking for.

Now I have this script working, it seems pretty solid, reliable and a two thumbs up to the Alex and Scooby for the version for v5 mySQL.

All the best,
Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Jul 30, 2006 9:36 am

Postby westside » Sat Aug 05, 2006 5:34 am

Worked perfectly. Thanks a lot! :D
Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Mar 10, 2005 1:09 am

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