I have a problem with your script.
Everything is installed and when I wo to http://www.hot-sub.de/myred/admin.php
I get the following error message:
PHP Warning: Supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /web/myred/include/vars.php on line 36
Can you help me?
You find my vars.php and the content of the mysql in the end of this mail.
Kai Rieke
// hostname of the server
$mysql_host = 'db.hot-sub.de';
// mysql-username
$mysql_username = 'XXXXXXX'; // hidden
// mysql-password
$mysql_passwd = 'XXXXXXX'; // hidden
// the name of the database (will be created during setup)
$mysql_dbase = 'XXXXXXX'; // hidden
// table names which will be used to save the data
$redir_table = "redir";
$options_table = "options";
$domain_table = "tld";
$category_table = "categories";
$advertiser_table = "advertiser";
$adverts_table = "adverts";
$adclicks_table = "adclicks";
$adviews_table = "adviews";
// You may change the following value
$dateformat = "d. M. Y H:i ";
// Don't change anything below!
// Disable magic_quotes_runtime
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM $options_table");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
$adminmail = $row[adminemail];
$adminpasswd = $row[password];
$adminusername = $row[username];
$startpage = $row[home];
$pagetitle = $row[sitetitle];
$domainip = $row[domainip];
$maindomain = $row[maindomain];
$ads = $row[ads];
$standardad = $row[standardad];
Content of options auf db.hot-sub.de
home sitetitle adminemail username password domainip maindomain ads standardad
index.html test killerkai@freenet.de killerkai pass hot-sub.de ad-free banner