Two Suggestions

Do you have suggestions how to improve myLounge Redirection? Want to give a feedback? Or even found a bug? Then please post in here.

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Two Suggestions

Postby Esko » Fri May 09, 2003 4:05 pm

1. One nice option could be to allow the visitors to be able to change language. A multlanguage redirections service! I don't think that could be too difficult to do.

2. I think the "Whois" option is'nt the best. When you search you would type You can type like and the scripts says that it's ready for registrations. It's quite funny =)
Much better should be if you only search for the subdomain.

Re: Two Suggestions

Postby andelal » Sat May 10, 2003 4:49 pm

Esko wrote:1. One nice option could be to allow the visitors to be able to change language. A multlanguage redirections service! I don't think that could be too difficult to do.

2. I think the "Whois" option is'nt the best. When you search you would type You can type like and the scripts says that it's ready for registrations. It's quite funny =)
Much better should be if you only search for the subdomain.

1. The redirection scripts were multilanguage in their previous versions - this was no good idea in my opinion. I always got mails in french or chinese which I couldn't answer :)
2. You are right, I forgot that...
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Postby Chinese » Sat Apr 30, 2005 1:09 pm

What a pity, does not have traditional Chinese Version
Whether joins? 8)

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