Well, I set up my own myred with the usual common problems along the way so decided to help a colleague set up his own version.
He has php5 with A1hosting.
He has a domain attached and a category in place.
Oddly enough some people have been able to register some domains but a few of us cant.
When I try to register, I cant get past register2.php - I get this error:
Not Acceptable
An appropriate representation of the requested resource /myred/register.php could not be found on this server.
Apache/1.3.37 Server at www.uvmenet.com Port 80
As you can see the domain is http://www.uvmenet.com
Any ideas folks?
Stop press - just found out he has php 4.1.22
Will get him to use the appropriate script - He did use the php5 version..
At least this post will help people in the same boat as him.