This script looks very good but unfortunetly Im not getting it running .
Installation did work without problems, I can access all files directly (like the admin.php) but the index.php in root brings up a DNS error.
I made the following configuration on the server and maybe Im just wrong how I thought it should work.
I have a server with a secondary domain like www.mymaindomain.com and wildcard points to nic.mymaindomain.com.
Wildcard works, all requests that do not have a dns-entry for mymaindomain.com go to nic.mymaindomain.com.
I installed myLounge on nic.mymaindomain.com and when accessing the index.php a DNS-error comes up.
Btw - of course as soon as its working the domains that should be created from myLounge should be thirdleveldomains like mylounge1.mymaindomain.com and mylounge2.mymaindomain.com
Is this a configuration thats possible and what am I doing wrong?
The reason why I do not want the script on the main domain is that I think its cleaner to have a domain on its own to run the redirection service and I do not want to run another script on the mainsite which will become a high traffic portal.
Thanks to everybody for help!