wildcard pointing to subdomain - myLounge should use mainurl

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wildcard pointing to subdomain - myLounge should use mainurl

Postby nic-maker » Thu Jun 23, 2005 11:15 pm


This script looks very good but unfortunetly Im not getting it running :(.

Installation did work without problems, I can access all files directly (like the admin.php) but the index.php in root brings up a DNS error.

I made the following configuration on the server and maybe Im just wrong how I thought it should work.

I have a server with a secondary domain like www.mymaindomain.com and wildcard points to nic.mymaindomain.com.
Wildcard works, all requests that do not have a dns-entry for mymaindomain.com go to nic.mymaindomain.com.

I installed myLounge on nic.mymaindomain.com and when accessing the index.php a DNS-error comes up.

Btw - of course as soon as its working the domains that should be created from myLounge should be thirdleveldomains like mylounge1.mymaindomain.com and mylounge2.mymaindomain.com

Is this a configuration thats possible and what am I doing wrong?

The reason why I do not want the script on the main domain is that I think its cleaner to have a domain on its own to run the redirection service and I do not want to run another script on the mainsite which will become a high traffic portal.

Thanks to everybody for help!

error found

Postby nic-maker » Fri Jun 24, 2005 8:10 am

I just found the solution, maybe its interesting for someone else.
everything was configured on the server for the domain but not www.
So the index.php forwards to an adress beginning with www. and this didnt work.

Thanks again for the script!

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