Hello to all! I want mich entschuldigen for my english So i'm new here.. and have some question.
1st. What is WILDCARDS? It is like redirect ? for example http://ajfhksfhasjk.domain.com to http://www.domain.com? am I right?
2. There is two files in root dir (I mean files .htaccess and index.php) and one folder myred. So why do i need this index.php? it's link to "virtual subdomain"?
3. When user add link, will my subdomain mask it? if yes, is it possible to show real adres? For example make check box: mask real adres. (line on http://www.from.lv) or it is too hard for free version?:)
Soooo i think now i have no more question.... snx for you attention.