Widcards and Web hosting

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Widcards and Web hosting

Postby Damien » Fri Jan 31, 2003 4:04 pm


I need you guys advises.
I host my website (http://www.askyellow.com) at ipowerweb.com and wanted to install the script. Recently I have requested them to add a subdomain to my account. boston.askyellow.com, thinking that if they did that I should be able to have the system working...nope.

Since I can use http://boston.askyellow.com and it redirects to my index.html, is there a way for me to use the script? I tried to use the .htacces file to redirect, but nada...

Any technical advises would be awesome

Note that I had to pay $10 to add the subdomain, and it would be the same for any additional ones...


I look forward to your help.


Postby andelal » Fri Jan 31, 2003 5:55 pm

ipowerweb seems to be a strange company...
You need to have wildcarded subdomains; ask them about this.

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Postby Damien » Fri Jan 31, 2003 7:31 pm

thanks for your response.
Could you tell me the web hosting providers that offer this feature?

I appreciate it a lot.


A great ISP

Postby Curtis782 » Sat Feb 01, 2003 1:27 am

Check out OCHosting (http://www.ochosting.com). They are a great company and for $20/month, you get a great deal (1 GB of storage, etc.) Wildcarded DNS is not setup by default, but you can request to have it setup and they will do it for you.

Hope this helps.


Postby andelal » Sat Feb 01, 2003 10:53 am

A good place to start playing around with scripts is digitalspace.net - you don't have much space, but all features you need for my scripts (wildcards on demand), and prices start at 3 Dollar per month.

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Postby Scooby » Sat Feb 01, 2003 8:43 pm

i use VHost uk £6.95 pm $9.95 for usa they do wildcards etc php, mysql , cgi
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