I have successfully installed the script and I can access the Admin Panel.
My users can signup using the register file.
They get an email and so do I explaining to me that someone has registered. They get one with their Username and Password and explaining I have to manually approve due to fraud. However as I was browsing through this Support Section I found out some other sites that offer it and it sends me an Activation Code. I had a look in the Server Directory and found Activate.html but it doesn't send my customers an activation link in the email.
I am running Plesk 6.0
PHP 4.0
The url is www.vzee.com/myred
Someone please help.
They can login and do a Whois and all the other features on it but because of the Activation Link they can not get their site redirected because of this. It comes up a Blank Page with nothing on it.
Please help me A.S.A.P